傳統的PCI架構是用在PC上面來連接數個IO devices, 當初的protocol架構並沒有考慮到多個CPU的情況, 而是由一個processor來emulate entire memory space, 控制所有的devices. 在此設計下如果有另一個CPU加入, PCI的operation就會產生問題.
NTB是一個解決方案讓多個host可以share多個PCI devices. 一個NTB其實是模擬出兩面的PCI endpoint, 並屆由address translation來達到兩邊資料的傳遞. NTB會expose CSR type 0 header來代表endpoint, 所以此方的host 不會繼續做forwarding or discovery.
downstream/upstream side:
Downstream代表的是NTB面向intelligent system (controller)的那面
Upstream則是面向host/root complex那面, 所以upstream side host會看到一個NTB, 以為他是一個pci device endpoint, 然後就結束.
"Device on the downstream side is not visible from the upstream side, this allows an intelligent controller on the downstream side to manage devices here" -> 所以其他所有的devices是由downstream side controller來控制.
from ref2:
"A system host will enumerate through Bridges A and B (both transparent) on the left branch of the figure 2 until it reaches the endpoint X. On the right side branch, the host will stop enumeration at Bridge D (NTBD). Similarly, the local CPU will enumerate through Bridge E and F (both virtual bridges within the switch) and discover the endpoint Y, but will not attempt to discover elements beyond Bridge D. "
Device Identification:
一般正常transparent PCI-PCI bridge的class code是0604h, 而NTB的class code是050000h. 代表RAM controller. 因為NTB就是用來做memory map, from one address domain to another.
每個device藉由<device, port, type>來定義,
- TB (Transparent Bridge) switch port又可分upstream跟downstream. 對NTB來說就是endpoint.
這些upstream/downstream property是由CSR BAR 來控制.
CSR header:
Transparent bridge用的是type 1 CSR header, 而NTB用的是type 0 CSR header.
Scratchpad and doorbell registers:
- scratchpad是用來做兩邊溝通的橋梁, 共有八個registers.
- can be accessed in either memory or I/O space from both the primary and secondary interface.
- 可用來傳遞control and status information between primary and secondary bus devices
- Doorbell是用來產生interrupt從一邊到另一邊
- 每個interface (primary and secondary)都有一組registers 可以藉由memory or I/O space來access.
- Standard PCIe allows interrupt to be configured as INTx or MSI (Message Signal Interrupt)
Address Translation
- BAR定義address translation window into memory space on another side of the NTB
- BAR0 and BAR1保留用來做memory and I/O mapped到CSR
- 每個BAR有個setup register用來指定window size跟type.
- Transparent bridge forwards all CSRs based on bus number, NTB only accept CSR transactions addressed to the device itself.
兩種address translation的方式如下
1. Direct Address Translation (利用 BAR Setup register和BAR Address Translation register)
How to setup the address translation of NT BARs:
A.Setup up the “BAR setup register” to reserved a range of memory address
(Normally do this in EEPROM)
B.Setup up the “BAR Address Translation Register “ to map the range of
memory address to the memory address on the other NT side
(Normally do this in runtime)
From PLX:
2. Lookup Table Based Address Translation
另一種方式是用lookup table 來作address translation.
Request ID Translation
當有一個request從NTB的某一面進來, 要轉換到另一面時, Request ID (bus no, device, fun)在兩面是不一樣的, 所以需要管理一個translation table, 做一對一的轉換.
From ref1:
Complete ID Translation
1. Using Non-transparent Bridging in PCI Express Systems
2. Multi-Host System and Intelligent I/O Design with PCI Express
3. Enabling Multi-Host System Designs with PCI Express Technology